Cool, Calm Collecting Delivers Staggering Results
For Design Icons Week
After three weeks of tumult and change within the fine auction industry we can report that our Design Icons smashed all sales expectations and confirmed that both the appetite for collecting and decorating our homes and our lives remains as strong as ever and online-only auctions, in this important period of social-distancing, are absolutely no barrier to the collecting community.

Our marquee suite of auctions curated for the new collector, known as Design Icons Week, showcases triennially the finest international and local design, luxury and contemporary art in Australia. With a combined budget of $670,000 (IBP) the three sales delivered a staggering (given the current conditions) $819,888 (IBP) with an equally reassuring average sale rate of 74%. The result was a more than positive bellwether for Leonard Joel, its sellers and the auction industry more broadly.
A result only made possible with the continued support of our buying and selling community and on behalf of our entire team, we say Thank You, sincerely.
John Albrecht, Leonard Joel’s Managing Director commented: “In arguably the hardest three weeks in Australian retail history and with three auctions that were valued and estimated for normal market conditions, to have this result confirms to me total buyer confidence in an online environment.
All our investment now will be in delivering our collecting community of almost 40,000 people, the most sophisticated and seamless online auction experience in Australia and that excites me. It is because of our loyal clients that we remain in business and they deserve nothing less as we continue to adapt, review and improve our online offering.”

Estimate $7,000-9,000
Sold for $11,160 (IBP)

Untitled [Elongated Triangles 4] 1971 (detail)
Estimate $3,000-5,000
Sold for $6,820 (IBP)