
Leading the Way in Contemporary Photography

Three living Australian photographers that you should be collecting…..

Petrina Hicks is a leader within the contemporary photography scene and whose work was featured in our Prints & Photography auction in June. Over her 15 year career she has gained a strong reputation for her large scale portraiture, which are as enticing as they are unsettling. Her style has a real push and pull between boundaries, a seductive feel with danger attached. On the surface, Hicks’ photography is a thing of clean refined beauty but upon further inspection dark undercurrents become apparent. A retrospective of Petrina Hicks’ work from 2003 to present, will be on view at NGV, from September – an absolute must-see for collectors of contemporary photography.

David Rosetzky, known for his photographic portraits and film work is an artist that we love to have within the Prints & Photography auction at Leonard Joel. He is best known for his commissioned portrait of Cate Blanchett which sits at the National Portrait Gallery.

In 2011, he released a collection of portraits which present a series of layered photographic images with sections strategically cut out. This results in a feeling of portraits not being fixed to a single personality. David Rosetzky’s photographs have been appearing within our Prints and Photography auction as of late, be sure to keep an eye out.

A photographer that is constantly sought after, Narelle Autio is recognised for her lush, glowing and beautiful photographs of figures in water. Her poetic images, that capture people in environments with heightened tension and dramatic movement, have twice been selected by Australian Art Collector Magazine’s  ‘50 Most Collectable Australian Artists’.

Narelle Autio’s photographs exist in many major public collections across Australia, so keep an eye out for these prized works in future auctions.

HANNAH RYAN / Prints Specialist

July 2019