William Dymock (19th century)
A Pair of Works: View from Sydney from the East Side of the Cove No.1 and 3
colour lithographs, framed together
Sold for $915 IBP
William Dymock (19th century)
A Pair of Works: View from Sydney from the East Side of the Cove No.1 and 3
colour lithographs, framed together
Sold for $915 IBP
Imagine an amethyst meteorite colliding with a comparable one of lush cream and brown marble...
Australian women artists have played a pivotal role in the evolution of abstract art...
Ever since Narcissus stared admiringly into a pool of water, people throughout the ages have been enchanted by their own reflections...
For centuries, jewellery has served as a silent language adorning our bodies and whispering tales of wealth, status, and personal style...